Dimensioned in such a way as to allow greater opening of the hatch, allowing the free passage of the fluid reducing the loss of load;
Construction according to ANSI and ASTM;
Face to Face (L) according to ANSI B 16.10;
Flanges Standard ASTM B 16.1.
Service Work – Class 125 lbs
Steam -> 8.6 bar (125 lbf/in)
Water, oil and gas at 40°C 2″ at 12″ -> 13.8 bar (200 lbf/in)
14″ to 24″ -> 10.3 bar (150 lbf/in)
1 – Hex. Nut
2 – Cap
3 – Joint
4 – Axle
5 – Hinge
6 – Hex. Nut
7 – Disc
8 – Ring (seat)
9 – Body
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